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Membership fees

All memberships and registrations will be for a period of 12 months from the date of joining/registration.

All members pay a fee of €75 to join Eventing Ireland.

This fee entitles the member to be a:

  • Horse Owner (All Horse/Pony Owners must be 18 years or over and must be the legal owner of the animal)
  • Play a part in the Society (for example, Society Steward)

To ride at Eventing Ireland events, the member must pay a rider upgrade.  Non-Riding members (except Life, Corporate/Syndicate Memberships) can upgrade to Riding membership at any time during the calendar year by paying a supplement.

Please note any upgrades to your membership/registrations purchased after the initial membership/registration will expire on the date of the the original purchase.

Riding Membership Upgrade Fees

Senior or Young Rider: €120

Restricted Rider (allows the athlete to compete up to and including EI105/CCI1*Intro): €35

Junior or Pony Rider: €35

Overseas Rider (for Irish nationals wishing to compete Internationally who are based outside of the island of Ireland): €360

Corporate/Syndicate Membership

Corporate or Syndicate Membership is available for two or more owners of one horse, or for companies who use their brand name in the horse name. Corporate/Syndicate Members pay a separate membership fee.   The cost is €260 for each syndicate. Please contact Head Office for more information.

Riding Members:

Senior Athletes
Athletes 18 years or over competing at all levels of competition. This includes EI110 Amateur riders who must be tick the amateur box and be 21 years and over to compete in this class.
Young Riders
Athletes from the year of their 18th birthday, until the end of the year in which they turn 21, competing at all levels of competition.
Pony & Junior Athletes
Athletes from the year of their 12th birthday until the end of the year in which they turn 18, competing at all levels of competition.
Restricted Riders
Athletes 18 years or over who wish to compete in EI80, EI90 EI100 and EI105 classes only.  Restricted Members can upgrade their membership to Senior Rider at any time.

Overseas Riders
Irish athletes competing or living overseas must pay €360 for membership.  Please note, if you live in Northern Ireland and put your address as UK, you will be charged for overseas membership.  To avoid the additional charges, please put your address as NI.  This information will be checked and anyone who has paid for the membership rate in Ireland who lives overseas will be asked to pay the overseas fee

All members must volunteer to help at an event.  For Southern Region members it is one event, for Northern Region members it is 3 events.  If you are unable to help, you can nominate a friend or family member to volunteer on your behalf.  Please click Volunteering

Additional Memberships

Honorary/Life Membership
An honorary membership if a lifelong membership awarded by the Board of Directors to any official, volunteer and/or member who is considered to have contributed strongly to the society over a number of years. Life membership can also be purchased, and entitles members to ride.

Web Membership
Web membership is free. When you register as a Web Member, you are afforded access to full results/competition information on the website. You are entitled to enter competitions on a Day Membership.  If the athlete is under 18, competency and parental consent forms must be completed online.

Day Membership and Day Registration

A Day Membership and Registration is a temporary membership which effectively registers an athlete and a horse for a specific event. The cost of the day membership/registration depends on whether the rider/horse is a member of Eventing Ireland, or not. Each day membership is designated to a specific rider, each day registration is for a specific horse.  These are not transferable. In the event of a forced withdrawal before the event closing date, the Day Membership/Registration and Entry fee will be refunded in full in the currency they were purchased (less the credit card charge). For more information please click here Day Membership Information

Benefits of Eventing Ireland Membership

  • Riding Members can compete at all Eventing Ireland events
  • All members are covered EI Insurance when at an event
  • Membership is for 12 months from date of purchase.  Any upgrade to your membership type will expire on the original date of purchase.
  • Discounted ferry prices when competing overseas

It is recommended all riding members have personal accident insurance.


Horse Registrations

For a horse to compete within an Eventing Ireland competition, it must be registered with the society, in the name of the legal owner, as a Full or Restricted animal or on a Day Registration.

Current Registration Fees for horse, pony and restricted horses, which are for 12 months from date of registration are:

Registration Type Annual Fee
Horse 21+ pts €100
Horse 11-20 pts €95
Horse 0-10 €90
Pony €70
Restricted Horse €55
Upgrade from Restricted €35
Change of Ownership €20

Please note any upgrades to your membership/registrations purchased after the initial membership/registration will expire on the date of the the first purchase.

Eventing Ireland Sponsors