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Eventing Ireland


Please check the Event Details section on the individual event page for directions. If you are still not sure, please telephone the event organisers directly. Call before the morning of the event!

Click this link Dressage Tests  then select National Tests.  Make sure you check the required tests in plenty of time – and double check again before the event should there be any updates!

You should always query your score at the event within 30 minutes of them being posted if you think it is incorrect.  Score sheets can be checked there and then and recalculated if your claim is confirmed. it is free to make a query.

As per the EI Rule Book, Rule 20.1, there is an Objection Form (the Event Secretary will have a copy) which can be filled in and lodged with the Secretary along with €50. As always, the Steward’s decision is final.

If you have left the event before final scores were published and you have a discrepancy, it is unlikely it will be changed.  It is your responsibility to check the final results before you leave, or have a friend check them for you.  

EI fence juding instructions SHORT FEB 2022

In addition, please see link below to a Fence Judging Video guide courtesy of British Eventing

Fence Judging Video

When you arrive on site at your first event, take each of your hats to the secretary’s office and inform him/her that you need to get your hat tagged.  They will arrange for you to meet the hat tagger to get this done.

Your hat(s) must be tagged prior to your dressage, show jumping or cross country run or the steward will not let you compete.

Your hat is only tagged once – so you will need to have all hats used in competing tagged.  You do not need to do this every time you compete – unless of course you buy a new hat!  See the attached guide for approved 2023 hat standards.

Without volunteers there would be no events.  If you are regularly competing in eventing, you should also regularly help your region by volunteering.  We ask that you volunteer once in the season for Southern Region Members and three times if you are a Northern Region Member, so please make yourself available.  It doesn’t have to be all day – but a couple of hours makes all the difference.  You can select which event or events you will volunteer at through your EI account.

If you are competing and have a gap in your schedule on the day – why don’t you ask if you can relieve a fence judge for an hour.  Your time will be greatly appreciated.

Until the deadline for refunds has passed, you can make your own withdrawals (and receive refunds) in the Summary section of your account.

If a rider or horse has sustained an injury after the deadline for refunds (which can be found in the individual event details section) then a refund can only be given at the discretion of the event organiser, if a vet/medical certificate is emailed to Head Office before noon of the Thursday before the event.

We cannot transfer entries between events under any circumstances.

Firstly you have to be logged in.  If you or the horse has never been registered, you need to become web only members.  See the Website How-To section for instructions.

Choose the event you want to enter, select your class and pay for the entry and day membership (€25 for the rider) and/or registration (€20 for the horse/pony).

Day memberships and registrations can be purchased online for members 18 years and over and for Novice, intro and pre-novice classes only.

Under 18’s need to upload through the parent/guardian’s EI account or email to Head Office the Letter of Competency and Parental Consent Forms and, if rider is under 13, the Under 13 Data Consent form – all available from the Downloads section of the website.

Novice Day Memberships –  horse/rider must meet the minimum eligibility required.

Dressage times are usually published on the website at least 2 days prior to the event. All entries need to be compiled, collated and checked before dressage times can be confirmed.

We will try to accommodate requests regarding times wherever possible, however sometimes we are not able to facilitate these requests.

Please make sure that these requests are added to the ‘special requests’ comments box when you make your entry – we cannot add requests to entries after they have been made.

You can manage your entries through the Members Area. Whilst entries are still open, you can change a class, horse or rider, and you can make withdrawals until the Event begins. Log in and select “My Entries”, then click “Manage” beside the relevant entry:

Then click the relevant button to make the change:


All entry requests can be made through the Members Area. Select “Manage” beside the relevant entry, and then click “Change Entry Request”

Type your request and hit save!

NOTE: once Head Office begins working on dressage times for the event, this facility is no longer available.

You will be asked to volunteer when you become a member.  You can always amend your volunteering roles or venues if you are unable to make your original choice.

You will be reminded one month before your volunteering event to confirm that you will be attending.  If you can’t attend, you must nominate someone to volunteer on your behalf.

If you just like helping at events, contact the Event Organiser and they will be more than happy to find you a role!  We couldn’t run events without you!

Happy Volunteering!!

(T) classes, e.g. EI90 (T), EI100 (T), are Training classes. Training classes are run under Eventing Ireland rules – all of the same rules regarding eliminations, tack, dress, etiquette etc apply as in regular classes. Training classes are open to all riders/horses and results are not kept on the system. Results remain visible for the weekend of the event, but are removed on Monday morning.

  • Results earned in Training classes may NOT be used as MERs towards Internationals or any Championship
  • Underage riders competing in Training classes are required to submit a competency form for the correct horse/level
  • Results earned in Training classes do not count towards improvement of ERQI Ratings

You can add stabling or hook up to an existing entry through the Members Area. Click on “Manage” beside the relevant entry. You will then see the stabling and/or hook up options as available for that event:

It is no longer standard practice for Event organisers to issue bib numbers.  Ahead of each event, you should download and print your bib numbers from the Members’ Area of the Eventing Ireland website. Print two numbers – one for the front, one for the back.

Your bib number will also display information such as rider and horse name, and whether you are riding multiple horses on that day. This information helps the stewards!


Day Memberships and Day Registrations are available to a member or non-member to enable them to ride a registered or unregistered horse at EI105, EI100, EI90 and EI80.

Restricted Day Membership/Registration Information (EI105, EI100, EI90 or EI80 Classes)

Restricted Day Memberships and Registrations can be purchased online and the process is as follows:

  1. Log into the website using your membership number and password.  If new to Eventing Ireland, please create a web-only account
  2. If your horse has never competed at an event before, click ‘my horses’ and then add a horse. Fill out details as requested. Update.
  3. If your horse is already in the database but not registered (ie: paid for), go straight to the Event of your choice and click enter button for your class (either EI90 or EI100). You will be asked to ‘Choose this horse (enter with a day ticket at additional cost)’. Select the horse.
  4. If your horse’s name does not appear, use the Search Box to select your horse (it is only necessary to put in the first few letters of the horses name for the details to appear). From the list given, select your horse as detailed above.
  5. The process is then repeated to select an athlete.
  6. When you view your shopping cart, you will see that you will be charged for a day ticket. Please remember, if you are entering a Northern Region event, you will be charged in Sterling, for Southern Region events you will be charged in Euro.
  7. Training classes – EI80(T), EI80, EI90(T) and EI100(T) do not incur extra day membership or day registration fees, you just pay the entry fee.
Membership Type        Restrict Day Memb    Restricted Horse    Unreg Horse    Total         
Full Member na na €20/£20 €20/£20
Restricted Member na na €20/£20 €20/£20
Non-Member €25/£25 €0/£0 na €25/£25
Non-Member €25/£25 na €20/£20 €45/£45

Day Membership and Registration Costs

Day Membership          Non-Member               Restricted Member
EI90, EI100, EI105 €25/£25 €0/£0
EI110 €30/£30 €25/£25


Day Registration           Unregistered Horse     Restricted Horse
EI90, EI100, EI105 €20/£20 €0/£0
EI110 €30/£30 €20/£20

For example, if you were a restricted member and wanted to ride an unregistered horse at EI90 level, you would pay €0/£0 day membership (as you are already a restricted member) and €20/£20 for an unregistered horse plus your entry fee. Non-members may apply for Restricted Day Memberships and Registrations to enable them and their horses to compete in Eventing Ireland competitions.

Restricted Day Memberships and Registrations can only be used in EI105, E100, EI100A, EI100J, EI100P, EI100J, EI90, EI90A, EI90P and EI80 classes.

EI Members are also able to purchase Restricted Day Registrations in order to give an unregistered horse introductory runs.

Restricted members can upgrade their memberships/horse registrations at any time.

A Senior or Restricted Day Membership and Registration effectively registers one horse and rider for a competition. The owner if different from the rider is not registered.

Underage Athletes

Athletes must be in the year of their 12th birthday in order to be eligible to compete on a Restricted Day Ticket. Note: The first Day Membership for UNDER 18’s must be accompanied by a signed  Parent Consent Form along with a Letter of Competency /approval from their Regional Pony Club or approved riding instructor, and for Athletes aged 13 and under only, a Data Consent Form   Once the initial day membership/registration has been approved for that combination, day memberships/registrations can then be purchased online with your entry.

In addition, Eventing Ireland now offers Day Memberships and Day Registrations for athletes/horses who wish to compete at EI110 / EI110 (Amateur), provided the horse/rider combination has met the criteria mentioned below:

EI110 Day Memberships and Registration Information

Who can compete on EI110 Memberships?

  • Restricted member on restricted horse or unregistered horse
  • Non-members with horses that are not registered
  • Non-members who wish to compete on a registered horse
  • Overseas riders with equivalent qualifications

Criteria for Riders to Compete on EI110 Day Memberships:

  • Riders must be in their 19th year or over and either restricted or fully paid Owners/Riders
  • Riders must have completed at least 3 Eventing Ireland EI100 competitions or higher on the horse that will be ridden on the Novice Day Registration within the last 12 months with clear xc  rounds (jumping) and with no more than 16 show jumping penalties per event, or have completed at least 5 EI100 competitions or higher on any horse in the last two years.
  • Horses must be five years or over
  • Ponies must be five years or over
  • Points are not awarded to EI110 Day Tickets.

Which Horses can compete on EI110 Day Registrations?

  • Horses that are not registered with Eventing Ireland – See Criteria below
  • Restricted Horses

Criteria for Horses to Compete:

  • Horses must have completed at least 3 Eventing Ireland EI100 competitions or higher in the last two years with the specified rider with clear xc rounds with no more than 16 sj penalties in total.
  • Horses that have competed overseas must have completed at least 3 equivalent EI 100 competitions or higher in the last two years with the specified rider with clear xc rounds with no more than 16 show penalties in total .
  • Horses must be five years or over
  • Ponies must be five years or over

How much will EI110 Day Memberships/Registrations cost?

Membership Type    EI110 Day Memb          Restricted Horse Unreg Horse Total           
Full Member na €20/£20 na €20/£20
Full Member na na €25/£25 €25/£25
Restricted Member €25/£25 €20/£20 na €45/£45
Restricted Member €25/£25 na €30/£30 €55/£55
Non-Member €30/£30 €20/£20 na €50/£50
Non-Member €30/£30 na €30/£30 €60/£60
  • Please note: Entry fees are in addition to theEI110 Day Membership and Registration fees

Why Should I buy?

  • EI110 Day Memberships/Registrations are ideal for combinations who are currently competing at Restricted level and would like to try EI110 level, without the expense of upgrading first. This gives the combination an opportunity of competing in an EI110 class before making that decision.
  • If combinations meet the above criteria, you can purchase day tickets online

How do I buy EI110 Memberships or Registrations if I am Not Registered with EI?

Riders must provide their qualifying results by email to [email protected] or [email protected] which will be validated by Head Office before it is accepted, along with all other required documentation. Please allow 5 working days to process your application – so enter your chosen event in plenty of time in case of queries.

Additional Information

If you would like to know more about Eventing, please click FAQ

If you are intending to compete more than three or four times during the season, it could be more cost effective to join up as a restricted member (€95) with a restricted horse (€45).


It is recommended Day Member Athletes have Personal Liability Insurance and will be asked to enter these details on their application form. We also recommend that all Day Member Riders are covered under their own Personal Accident Insurance.


If you can no longer compete at the event, you can withdraw your entry online (for a full refund excluding the €3 / £2 admin fee) so long as it is done by the Monday at noon before the event.  In the event of a forced withdrawal before the event closing date (ie: the event cancels), the Day Membership, Registration and Entry fee will be refunded in full excluding the €3 / £2 admin fee.

An MER (Minimum Eligibility Requirement) is achieved when an athlete has no more than 45 penalty points in the dressage test (minimum of 55% dressage good marks), no more than 16 show jumping penalties and clear jumping cross country.

Underage athletes competing at EI90 or EI100 will need to contact their regional co-ordinator if they wish to upgrade to EI110 level.  Underage athletes looking to upgrade to EI110 will need to be assessed by an HSI Level 2 or 3 Eventing Coach.

The ERQI must also be green or amber for an athlete to upgrade.

You may be able to upgrade a level or compete at international level when you have the required MERs. You can read more about MER’s here.

Eventing Ireland is divided into five regions, each responsible for the running of events within their area.

Please click Regional committees to view the list of regions, the counties included in each region and the people on each of the respective committees.

Any athlete or horse who wishes to compete at an international level must first be a member of Eventing Ireland and the horse/pony registered with Eventing Ireland.  They must then apply for an FEI licence and registration which is managed by HSI and information can be found on the HSI website here: and here:

Also, in relation to Ponies, they must have an official FEI Height Measurement of 148cm (149cm with shoes). To learn more about this see the answer to the next question.

EI Rulebooks can be ordered from your local Amazon website, simply search for Eventing Ireland, or can be downloaded from the website: 2024 Rule Book.

The level at which your horse can compete are explained below:

Horse points           Classes that can be entered
0 – 10 EI80, EI90, EI100, EI105, EI110
11 – 20 EI100, EI105, EI110, EI115
21 – 50 EI110(Open), EI115
51 and above EI110(Open), EI115(Open), EI120

Hors Concours is still available to a horse with over 11 points wishing to compete at EI80, EI90, EI100 and EI105 (Hors Concours means you can compete in the class but will not be placed – your result will show HC)

Horses registered as Restricted may only compete in EI80, EI90, EI100 and EI105 classes.  Those wishing to compete at EI110 level will need to purchase a day registration or can upgrade at anytime if they wish.

By definition EI80, EI90, EI100, EI110 Amateur, EI110J (ie. the Amateur and Junior classes) are open classes and therefore horses with any number of points may compete in them.

Full details can be found in the Eventing Ireland Rule Book, Rule 32, Grading of Horses (See Downloads Section)

Please note: Horse Registration is valid from 12 months from date of registration.

You can enter training events, included EI80 (T) and EI80 classes as a free, Web Only member. See the “Website How-To” section of the FAQ. Your horse must also be added to your account, or, if you’re under the age of 18, the account of its owner or your parent/guardian.

If you would like more information on the ERQI 2.0 system, including a calculator for your ERQI, please click HERE

For a horse to compete within an Eventing Ireland competition, it must be registered with the society, in the name of the legal owner, as a Full or Restricted animal or on a Day Registration.

Current Registration Fees for horse, pony and restricted horses, which are for 12 months from date of registration are:

Registration Type Annual Fee
Horse 21+ pts €100
Horse 11-20 pts €95
Horse 0-10 €90
Pony €70
Restricted Horse €55
Upgrade or Downgrade €35
Change of Ownership €20

Please note any upgrades to your membership/registrations purchased after the initial membership/registration will expire on the date of the the first purchase.

For information on Day Membership, please click Day Membership

All Members:

All memberships and registrations will be for a period of 12 months from the date of joining/registration.

All members pay a fee of €75 to join Eventing Ireland.

This fee entitles the member to be a:

  • Horse Owner (All Horse/Pony Owners must be 18 years or over and must be the legal owner of the animal)
  • Play a part in the Society (for example, Society Steward)

To ride at Eventing Ireland events, the member must pay a rider upgrade.  Non-Riding members (except Life, Corporate/Syndicate Memberships) can upgrade to Riding membership at any time during the calendar year by paying a supplement.

Please note any upgrades to your membership/registrations purchased after the initial membership/registration will expire on the date of the the original purchase.

Membership Fees

Please click here for membership prices: Membership Fees

Corporate/Syndicate Membership

Corporate or Syndicate Membership is available for two or more owners of one horse, or for companies who use their brand name in the horse name. Corporate/Syndicate Members pay a separate membership fee.   The total cost is €260 for each syndicate.

Riding Members:

Senior Athletes
Athletes 18 years or over competing at all levels of competition. This includes EI110 Amateur riders who must be tick the amateur box and be 21 years and over to compete in this class.Youth Athletes
Athletes from the year of their 12th birthday until the age of 18 years, competing at all levels of competition.Restricted Riders
Athletes 18 years or over who wish to compete in EI80, EI90 EI100 and EI105 classes only.  Restricted Members can upgrade their membership to Senior Rider at any time.

Overseas Riders
Irish athletes competing or living overseas must pay €360 for the overseas rider supplement.  Please note, if you live in Northern Ireland and put your address as UK, you will be charged for overseas membership.  To avoid the additional charges, please put your address as NI.  This information will be checked and anyone who has paid for the membership rate in Ireland who lives overseas will be asked to pay the overseas fee

All members must volunteer to help at an event.  For Southern Region members it is one event, for Northern Region members it is 3 events.  If you are unable to help, you can nominate a friend or family member to volunteer on your behalf.  Please click VolunteeringAdditional Memberships

Honorary/Life Membership
An honorary membership if a lifelong membership awarded by the Board of Directors to any official, volunteer and/or member who is considered to have contributed strongly to the society over a number of years. Life membership can also be purchased, and entitles members to ride.

Web Membership
Web membership is free. When you register as a Web Member, you are afforded access to full results/competition information on the website. You are entitled to enter competitions on a Day Membership.  If the athlete is under 18, competency and parental consent forms must be completed online.

Day Membership and Day Registration

A Day Membership and Registration is a temporary membership which effectively registers an athlete and a horse for a specific event. The cost of the day membership/registration depends on whether the rider/horse is a member of Eventing Ireland, or not. Each day membership is designated to a specific rider, each day registration is for a specific horse.  These are not transferable. In the event of a forced withdrawal before the event closing date, the Day Membership/Registration and Entry fee will be refunded in full in the currency they were purchased (less the credit card charge). For more information please click here Day Membership Information

Benefits of Eventing Ireland Membership

  • Riding Members can compete at all Eventing Ireland events
  • All members are covered EI Insurance when at an event
  • Membership is for 12 months from date of purchase.  Any upgrade to your membership type will expire on the original date of purchase.
  • Discounted ferry prices when competing overseas

It is recommended all riding members have personal accident insurance.

You can upload the required documents when registering a new horse or pony through your EI account.  See the list below as to what is required.  Otherwise, please EMAIL only to Head Office – [email protected] photographs of the following pages showing-

  1. the registered name
  2. issuing authority
  3. registration number
  4. gender
  5. date foaled
  6. colour
  7. breeding and breeder (if any noted)
  8. your ownership
  9. if a pony, the height measurement.

We need all these images before the horse or pony can enter/compete in any national events or training days.

5.3 Amateur Athletes
a) An amateur athlete is one who receives no income from riding, producing horses or
coaching athletes.
b) Athletes may compete in any amateur competition from the beginning of the calendar year in
which they reache the age of 21 (twenty one).
c) Amateur athletes must tick the amateur box when renewing membership to identify
themselves as amateurs or they will not be able to enter the Amateur class
d) Amateur athletes must complete the questionnaire and send to Amateur Committee to
confirm their amateur status
e) Amateurs may register a maximum of three horses in any one season in their own name
f) The amateur athlete must comply with the ethos of the amateur class at the discretion of the
Amateur Committee. Anyone who feels they are technically outside these qualifications but
could qualify within the spirit of the amateur class may apply in writing to the Amateur
Committee for consideration prior to entering any Amateur Classes. The decision of the
Amateur Committee is final.
g) An Amateur athlete who competes in a CCI3*-S or L class or above will not be permitted to
ride in EI110 Amateur classes or below on that horse for the remainder of that calendar year.
h) Amateur athletes will not be permitted to compete in classes over 1.30m at SJI or equivalent.
i) Amateur athletes who are in High Performance Training or on Athlete Bursaries in the
current season will not be allowed to compete as in Amateur Classes
j) No athletes are allowed to compete in Amateur classes for a season after they have
competed for their country on any team or nominated as an individual
k) All Amateur Rules are policed by the Amateur Committee. Full details regarding eligibility as
an Amateur can be found under the ‘Amateur Section’ on the Eventing Ireland website.


In addition, the Amateur Box must be ticked in your membership details. This can also be done at any time, by logging into your account and clicking on “Settings.” At the bottom of the Account Settings screen, there is a toggle button labelled “Is Amateur”. Click this to the on position, so that it turns green.

If there are any queries regarding the eligibility of an Amateur athlete, these should be emailed in confidence to the Amateur Committee Here

Eventing is the ultimate test of horsemanship. It is distinctive in that male and female athletes compete against each other on level footing for equal rewards.

Eventing consists of three equine disciplines – Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country usually taking place on one day.  The penalty scores from each discipline are combined to produce an overall total. The combination with the lowest total penalties is the winner.

Eventing Ireland (EI) organises, schedules and runs all national events which run across the country during the competition season — March to October each year — and training sessions run throughout the whole year.

To participate within Eventing Ireland competitions, owners and riders must be members of the organisation, and their horses must also be registered.  Alternatively, day memberships and registrations can be bought so aspiring eventers can get a taste of competing in EI80 (80cm), EI90 (90cm),  EI100 (1m)  or EI105 (105cm) classes, before committing to full membership.

At national events there are various classes to compete in. Horses start at EI80. EI90, EI100, EI105 level and progress to EI110 (1.10m), EI115 then EI120 level with some athletes aiming their goal at International competition.  The level at which you compete is decided by the grade of your horse or pony, or by the level of your own riding (as your horse may be more experienced than you!). Therefore, you often find amateur riders competing alongside professional athletes, who may be training their younger horses in EI80, EI90 or EI100 classes. This fascinating feature makes eventing inclusive, aspirational and highly competitive!

The first test is the dressage, which comprises a set sequence of compulsory movements in an area 20m wide and 40m long  or 60m long at higher level competitions.  The test is scored by one or more judges who are looking for balance, rhythm, suppleness and most importantly the obedience of the horse and its harmony with the rider.

The show jumping phase is usually the second phase and is one round of jumping over coloured, knockable poles with a maximum time allowed for EI110 classes and higher, the objective being to jump a clear round inside the time. Four faults are incurred for every pole down and these, along with time faults (0.4 seconds for every second over the maximum time) for EI110 classes and above are added to the dressage marks.

The fences will test a horse who does not specialise in show jumping.  At three-day event level, the show jumping phase will come on day three (after the cross country phase) and tired horses may make more mistakes which will be expensive.  At three-day events (usually international events) the show jumping is based on reverse order of merit, so the rider in last place jumps first and the current leader jumps last – which usually makes for gripping viewing!

The third phase is the cross country where a course of natural obstacles has to be jumped within a time allowed (optimum time).  Being over the optimum time incurs penalties (0.4 penalties per second) as do stops (20 faults per stop).  If there is a tie, it will be the rider closest to the optimum time who will win.  Elimination results from either a fall, 3 stops on course or omission of obstacle.  A good cross country horse must be brave and straight as well as fast.  A good cross country athlete must also be brave and know the exact speed to travel to get inside the time safely.

Firstly you have to be logged in.  If you or the horse has never been registered, you need to become web only members.  See the Website How-To section for instructions.

Choose the event you want to enter, select your class and pay for the entry and day membership (€25 for the rider) and/or registration (€20 for the horse/pony).

Day memberships and registrations can be purchased online for members 18 years and over and for Novice, intro and pre-novice classes only.

Under 18’s need to upload through the parent/guardian’s EI account or email to Head Office the Letter of Competency and Parental Consent Forms and, if rider is under 13, the Under 13 Data Consent form – all available from the Downloads section of the website.

Novice Day Memberships –  horse/rider must meet the minimum eligibility required.

Eventing Ireland is the national body responsible for the national sport of Eventing in Ireland.  Its role is to organise and manage training, national events and the rules at national level.

Eventing Ireland is affiliated to Horse Sport Ireland.

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) is the national governing body for equestrian sport in Ireland.  HSI is responsible for managing all high performance programmes for all affiliates, including training and selection of athletes for squads.  HSI appoints High Performance Managers to run these programmes.


An MER (Minimum Eligibility Requirement) is achieved when an athlete has no more than 45 penalty points in the dressage test (minimum of 55% dressage good marks), no more than 16 show jumping penalties and clear jumping cross country.

Underage athletes competing at EI90 or EI100 will need to contact their regional co-ordinator if they wish to upgrade to EI110 level.  Underage athletes looking to upgrade to EI110 will need to be assessed by an HSI Level 2 or 3 Eventing Coach.

The ERQI must also be green or amber for an athlete to upgrade.

You may be able to upgrade a level or compete at international level when you have the required MERs. You can read more about MER’s here.

As from 1 January 2023, the FEI Athlete category will be updated at the end of each month taking into account the rolling four and a half years (4.5) in order to take into consideration the cancellation of events due to the 2020 Covid pandemic.

Please click Athlete Categories  to see your FEI Athlete Category.  Click the NF, and select Ireland.  You can then download this information as a pdf.

Please note, the athlete category at the closing date of definite entries prevails.

Registering a horse with the FEI

All FEI horse registration forms need to be accompanied with either a copy of the horses breeding passport or the original breeding passport. This will be compulsory for all newly registered horses.

It will be necessary for HSI to upload scans of a horse’s approved identification document to the FEI Database.

The passport pages needed for an FEI horse registration are:

Page(s) from the approved national passport containing the name of the horse
Description and Diagram page(s) of approved national passport
Page(s) from the approved national passport containing basic information about the horse

(e.g. Colour, Gender, Date of birth etc.)

Pedigree page from the approved national passport (optional)
Ownership page from the approved national passport (optional)

Those pages have to be send to HSI as very clear scans by email or very clear scans by post since the FEI won’t accept any copies that aren’t readable. If you aren’t in a position to send clear copies please send the original breeding passport and we will copy the relevant pages here and post the passport back to you.

PLEASE NOTE: No applications (name changes, recognition cards, registrations, ownership change sand revalidations) will be done without the relevant forms filled out and signed. All forms can be found on the Horse Sport Ireland website here.)  If you have any questions please click  HERE or contact:

Susann Tschoerner

Horse Sport Ireland

Phone: 045-854507

Email: [email protected]


All athletes should make themselves aware of the current FEI Eventing Guidelines on Tack, Equipment and Dress which can be found below:

FEI Eventing Guidelines on Use of Tack, Equipment and Dress 06.09.2022

All Irish competitors who intend to enter an international event, whether in Ireland or Overseas, must pay an application fee to ensure eligibility before they can enter the event. Please note, an approved application does not guarantee an entry to the event.  You must still make your entry prior to close of entries.

The current fees are:
  • International Application Fee: €15
  • Late Applications: €30

Applications are non-transferable.

All international applications will  close at 12 noon, one day before the close of entry for that event.  Please note that events may not take late entries, so please ensure you get your application and entry done in time.

What do I Need to do Before I Make an Application

  • It is recommended you have your FEI Horse Registration and FEI Rider Licence in place before applying for an event. Please click HERE to apply for FEI registration if you haven’t already done so.  
  • It is imperative that you check your email address is correct (via the My Details page) before you make an application or you will not receive the acknowledgement or permission to enter.  If your details are incorrect, please email Head Office with the correct details.
  • You must have the Minimum Eligibility Requirements (MER’s) as per the Eventing Ireland Rule Book (Rule 30.1).  See below.

What if I Don’t Have my MER’s?

  • Riders can apply and enter an international (CI) event if you can obtain your final MER 10 days before the cross country test of the competition for which it is needed (as per Rule 30.1)

How Do I Make an International Application?

  • Choose the international event where you wish to compete via the Eventing Ireland website
  • Eventing Ireland can only publish details for international events when the Schedule has been approved by the FEI.  If the event you wish to enter is not showing, it may be because the Schedule has not been approved.  Please contact Head Office if in doubt.
  • Click on the ‘Apply/Enter’ button beside the class you wish to enter.
  • You will be asked to declare your nationality for this event.  If you do not have an Irish passport, you will need to apply to your national federation for approval to compete.
  • You will then be asked for the rider name and then the horse name,
  • The next step is to confirm your qualifications.   Please select the events you wish to use as your MERs.  If you are unsure of the MER’s (Minimum Eligibility Requirements) for the class you wish to enter, please refer to Rule 30.1 of the Eventing Ireland Rule book or click HERE).
  • Once the payment has been made you will receive an automatic email acknowledging your application.  This email will also detail what you need to do next.  If you have not got your FEI licence you must now get your documentation in order.
  • If after 48 hours of applying you have not received an acknowledgement email please email the International Administrator,at Head Office
  • After the qualifications have been checked you will receive a second email from the International Administrator which will either give you permission to enter or will tell you that you cannot enter as your qualifications are not in order.
  • If you are waiting for a qualification, your application will be marked as PENDING and will either be approved or declined following your result.
  • In addition to having the correct MERs, it is recommended that your ERQI rating must be Amber or Green to enter an international event (as per Rule 30 of the Eventing Ireland Rule Book)
  • If you have a Red ERQI, it means that either you may have had a few recent issues with form, which has put your ERQI rating in red, or you are an Irish rider competing overseas and your overseas national results will not be logged on the ERQI ratings system. You will need to email Alison Packman in the first instance.

IMPORTANT: ALL approved applications are now entered on the FEI Entry System as a CONFIRMED ENTRY whether you have paid the entry fee or not.  If you have an approved application AND ARE NOT COMPETING at that event for whatever reason, you MUST notify HSI and Head Office as soon as possible so the information can be amended on the FEI Entry System.

When you receive your approved application for Home Internationals, please read the information in the email as this details all the information which will be used in the event programme (ie: owner, breeding, breeder etc).  If any information is incorrect or missing, please email Head Office with the correct details.

When Do I Make my Entry?

  • As soon as you have received your approval notification, you can go ahead and make your entry.
  • Please make sure you enter BEFORE THE CLOSE OF ENTRY as events may NOT take late entries.  It is your responsibility to get your entry done on time.
  • All Irish International entries are taken via the Eventing Ireland website.  Go to the entries page again, and start the process as before when applying for permission. Do not worry that the cart is showing the €15 application fee. Once you have put in the rider’s name and clicked Next you will see the rider and horse as a combination – click on this and carry on with the process.
  • All overseas international entries must be completed directly via the event, as per the details given in the Schedule.  You cannot make an overseas entry via the Eventing Ireland website!!
  • If the event is accepting late entries, you may be charged a late entry fee.  Late entries and late entry fees are at the discretion of the Event Organiser – not Eventing Ireland.  If the application date is then extended by the Organiser after the initial close of entries, those who have paid the late application fee will remain

If you are unable to Compete after receiving an Approved Application or Entry

If you have an approved application and/or entry and have to withdraw for whatever reason, refunds can only be made if Head Office is notified before the close of entries for that event.  Refunds after close of entries will be as per the event Schedule. For refunds to overseas entries, you must contact the organiser direct.

If you have to withdraw your confirmed entry for whatever reason, you MUST notify Aileen Cartwright in HSI and Pat at Head Office as soon as possible so this information can be amended on the FEI Entry System.

A new set of FEI regulations were introduced in 2020 in relation to the measuring of Eventing ponies, you can read more about this here:

To compete at international level your Pony must be FEI registered, and newly FEI registered ponies must be 148cm (149cm with shoes).

Your pony must be measured at an FEI Official Measuring, there is typically one every year in Ireland, usually taking place in January or February. You can read more about this on the Pony Measurement page on the HSI website here:

Eventing Ireland is the national body responsible for the national sport of Eventing in Ireland.  Its role is to organise and manage training, national events and the rules at national level.

Eventing Ireland is affiliated to Horse Sport Ireland.

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) is the national governing body for equestrian sport in Ireland.  HSI is responsible for managing all high performance programmes for all affiliates, including training and selection of athletes for squads.  HSI appoints High Performance Managers to run these programmes.

You can add stabling or hook up to an existing entry through the Members Area. Click on “Manage” beside the relevant entry. You will then see the stabling and/or hook up options as available for that event:


Anyone can suffer from concussion, but woman are more than TWICE as likely to suffer than men, while youths from 11-24 take DOUBLE the length of time to recover.

If Concussion is suspected you must STOP riding or taking part in any other horse related activities. A gradual return to riding is recommended based on symptoms. It is very important to initially rest for 48 hours at least.

It also means taking time out from looking at your phone to give your brain time to recover!

Recent guidance recommends slow exercise off your horse, monitor your symptoms and gradually return to the saddle over 2 weeks. Do not return to full riding until 21 days. By doing this you decrease the risk of 2nd Impact Syndrome, which can occur if injury occurs within 3 weeks of a past concussion and can be very serious.

Currently under EI rules:
• Anyone who is suspected of having concussion will be given a leaflet from the medical officer on site and will not be permitted to ride for the rest of the day
• If sent to hospital with trauma or suspected concussion, the athlete must get a discharge letter from the hospital and send to Dr Mary Flannery
• If sent home from an event with suspected concussion, the athlete must notify their own GP immediately and see them again in 21 days to ensure they are fit to compete and have sufficiently recovered. The return to competition note should be sent to Dr Mary (See Rule 18.3)
• If an athlete has been stood down, they will be suspended from any EI competition or training for a period of 21 days – and that includes suspension from riding at any events, including other affiliate events.

The following is a very comprehensive document from the BEF outlining what to do if an athlete sustains concussion.   To view please click HERE



Website How-To

You can manage your entries through the Members Area. Whilst entries are still open, you can change a class, horse or rider, and you can make withdrawals until the Event begins. Log in and select “My Entries”, then click “Manage” beside the relevant entry:

Then click the relevant button to make the change:


All entry requests can be made through the Members Area. Select “Manage” beside the relevant entry, and then click “Change Entry Request”

Type your request and hit save!

NOTE: once Head Office begins working on dressage times for the event, this facility is no longer available.

You can add stabling or hook up to an existing entry through the Members Area. Click on “Manage” beside the relevant entry. You will then see the stabling and/or hook up options as available for that event:

It is no longer standard practice for Event organisers to issue bib numbers.  Ahead of each event, you should download and print your bib numbers from the Members’ Area of the Eventing Ireland website. Print two numbers – one for the front, one for the back.

Your bib number will also display information such as rider and horse name, and whether you are riding multiple horses on that day. This information helps the stewards!

Forms are available in the Info Portal. This can be found by clicking on the menu – the three horizontal bars at the top right hand side of your screen.

Yes! If you prefer to use the desktop version of the website on your phone, follow the instructions here:

 How to use desktop site on Apple

How to use desktop site on Android

Youth Eventing

If you have any queries regarding upgrading, please contact your regional co-ordinator, whose details can be found HERE.

Criteria for Underage Athletes Wishing to Upgrade

Upgrades to EI110

  • As per Eventing Ireland rules, recommended Minimum Requirements for an upgrade to EI110 (Junior or Pony), is 3 cross country clear jumping rounds in the current or preceding year at EI100J/EI100P or EI105 as a combination
  • Athletes wishing to upgrade to EI110 level must be assessed by a Level 2 or 3 Eventing Coach, or a senior rider (one with a proven record at 4*) who holds current vetting and child safeguarding certs. The assessor must not be their current trainer, to avoid a conflict of interest.
  • Assessments for EI110 can be done by the coaches privately (at their own venue or at an agreed venue). Cross Country MUST be assessed on grass, not in an arena. Alternatively, assessments may also be done at a HP Training day (arranged by HSI – please see below).
  • The coach will send the approved assessment form to Head Office by email, to be received at least TEN DAYS before the event at which the athlete wants to compete. No exceptions will be made.

Upgrades to EI100

  • Trainers can upgrade underage athletes to EI90 or EI100 level. You can upload the competency form found HERE onto the website or email the upgrade to Head Office at least TEN DAYS before the event (as above).
  • All new combinations must also send in competency forms (ie: if you have a new horse or pony, you must be assessed).

Athletes can compete with Eventing Ireland from the beginning of the calendar year in which they turn 12:

  • Athletes may compete as pony riders from the beginning of their 12th year, until the end of the year in which they turn 16
  • Athletes compete as junior riders from the beginning of their 16th year, until the end of the year in which they turn 18

In order for a new underage athlete to create an account with Eventing Ireland, a parent or guardian will first have to create an account.

Underage athletes who are new to Eventing Ireland need to submit a few supporting documents in order to create an account:

  • Parental Consent Form
  • Competency Form (must be submitted by the rider’s trainer/instructor) – This is necessary in order to ensure that both rider and horse are as safe as possible when they both start out.
  • A photo/scan of the athlete’s birth certificate or passport.

These documents should be uploaded when you create the athlete’s account. The forms can be found by clicking on the Info Portal button at the top right of the screen.

Your regional training coordinator will be able to help. View the regional co-ordinators here.


All forms can be found in Info Portal – which is located via the menu (three horizontal bars) in the top right of your screen.

Pony Riders

Pony athletes may complete as a Pony rider from the start of the year in which they turn 12, until the end of the year in which they turn 16.

Junior Riders

Junior athletes may compete as a Junior from the start of the year in which they turn 14, until the end of the year in which they turn 18.

Young Riders

Young Rider athletes may compete from the start of the year in which they turn 18, until the end of the year in which they turn 21.

I have a child who will be going into Juniors next year.  They are riding a pony which is measured at 148cm.  Can this pony be registered as a horse so my son/ daughter can compete on it next year?

As per Rule 2.2h, if a horse/pony is measuring at 148cm, it may be registered either as a horse or a pony.  If the animal has recorded results for the current calendar year (ie: as a pony) the registration type may not be changed during the same year. If the animal was registered as a pony in 2022, it may be registered as a horse in 2023.

A new set of FEI regulations were introduced in 2020 in relation to the measuring of Eventing ponies, you can read more about this here:

To compete at international level your Pony must be FEI registered, and newly FEI registered ponies must be 148cm (149cm with shoes).

Your pony must be measured at an FEI Official Measuring, there is typically one every year in Ireland, usually taking place in January or February. You can read more about this on the Pony Measurement page on the HSI website here:

How can I be considered for a High Performance Squad?
  • Please use this Online Form to send in your expression of interest (via HSI). Please note there is a non-refundable application fee of €50 for each athlete payable.
  • HSI will contact you with dates for assessments and training.
  •  To be part of the HP pathway, underage athletes must have attended a minimum of two HP training sessions.
  • For all questions regarding High Performance, please email: Aileen Cartwright

High Performance Managers 
Sue Shortt – Young Riders & Juniors
Jane Kinsella – Pony Riders

Eventing Ireland is the national body responsible for the national sport of Eventing in Ireland.  Its role is to organise and manage training, national events and the rules at national level.

Eventing Ireland is affiliated to Horse Sport Ireland.

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) is the national governing body for equestrian sport in Ireland.  HSI is responsible for managing all high performance programmes for all affiliates, including training and selection of athletes for squads.  HSI appoints High Performance Managers to run these programmes.

The EI Youth Committee is the structure through which parents/guardians can work together for the best possible experience for their young riders (aged 12 – 25 years). The committee is here to provide support and guidance to youth members and their families. They can be found on Facebook and Instagram.

If you are starting out, or you’re a seasoned campaigner, the purpose of this page is to act as a central focal point and resource of information related to Youth activities that you can use throughout the eventing year.

(T) classes, e.g. EI90 (T), EI100 (T), are Training classes. Training classes are run under Eventing Ireland rules – all of the same rules regarding eliminations, tack, dress, etiquette etc apply as in regular classes. Training classes are open to all riders/horses and results are not kept on the system. Results remain visible for the weekend of the event, but are removed on Monday morning.

  • Results earned in Training classes may NOT be used as MERs towards Internationals or any Championship
  • Underage riders competing in Training classes are required to submit a competency form for the correct horse/level
  • Results earned in Training classes do not count towards improvement of ERQI Ratings

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